5 benefits of owning a pet

5 benefits of owning a pet Logo (Buyontheway)

What is the benefit of keeping animals at home? Many people ask this question. In a word, can we do everything just for profit? Still, we asked a doctor to find out. “Pets help our good health. “Pets have a positive effect on physical and mental health,” said Saif Hossain Khan, medicine consultant at Popular Diagnostic Center in Dhanmondi. This doctor told about some very positive effects of keeping animals in personal and family life. Let’s know some benefits of petting animals.

The body stays ‘fit’.

A pet is not just a ‘thing’ or a ‘toy’, owning an animal means taking responsibility for an aquatic life. He should be fed on time, given ‘time’, even his excrement should be cleaned. Keeping yourself busy with this daily maintenance will keep you physically ‘fit’. There is also an opportunity to play with animals like cats and dogs. Especially if you have a dog, you should take him for a walk every day. In this way the muscles of your body will also be active. Walking, running will be your physical exertion. You can burn quite a few calories. It will be easier for you to control your weight. This daily activity of yours will help prevent serious diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease etc. And when you return home tired from the work of the kingdom, if the pet that is waiting for you runs towards you happily, you will surely overcome the fatigue easily.

Reduces stress and depression

Due to various incidents in life, our mood gets disturbed. We are crushed by many mental pressures. Moments spent with pets are helpful in dealing with all kinds of stress. Pets also calm the upset mood. A depressed person also regains the strength of mind to handle everything anew. The love of pets is positive for humans.

Moments spent with pets are helpful in dealing with all kinds of stress. How to take care of pets (Buyontheay)
Moments spent with pets are helpful in dealing with all kinds of stress. How to take care of pets

Reduced risk of loneliness

Everyone is in the family, but some are ‘alone’. Loneliness is harmful to human health. Depression became the companion of these ‘lonely’ people. Other health risks may also increase. But pets do not allow a person to be ‘lonely’.

Life is Maintained routine

Having a pet reduces the risk of depression in life. Whatever the circumstances, life moves in a certain pattern. As a result, your chances of getting a good night’s sleep will increase. Even if you want to, you can’t sleep until extra time. Because an animal depends on you, you have to get up on time to take care of it. Let’s give one more example. Suppose, there is a quarrel in your house today. Since then, the two sides have stopped talking. No one may be able to break the ‘ego’ and proceed to talk. Even in such a situation, the conversation with the pet can be carried on by both parties. In this way both parties can come easily.

Child’s social development

Children in homes with pets develop social skills. Interaction with pets leaves a deep impression on a child’s tender mind. Excellent qualities like kindness, benevolence and magnanimity develop in him.

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