A blessing in hospitality and kindness

Hospitality and generosity are the attributes of God’s beloved servants. Almighty Allah likes this quality very much. Prophets sent by God Almighty used to greet guests. Which is described in the Holy Quran. It was said, ‘Did the news of Ibrahim’s honored guests reach you? When they came to him and said – Salam, he replied – Salam. They are strangers. Then he quickly went quietly to his family and brought a fatted calf (roasted).’ (Surah: Zariat, Verses: 24-26) Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) was also very careful in entertaining guests. He encouraged his ummats to respect their guests. On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘…He who believes in the Hereafter of Allah, let him entertain guests.’ (Muslim, Hadith: 77) Impressed by the Prophet’s hospitality, the unbelievers were forced to accept Islam. The Muharib tribes of Arabia were very fierce. He was staunchly anti-Islamic. Fascinated by the sweetness of Islam, when people started coming to Madinah in droves, then 10 people from the tribe of Muharib also came to Madinah. Rasul (pbuh) entrusted Belal (pbuh) with their reception. He arranged their food in the morning and afternoon. They were amazed and accepted Islam and returned to their country.
(Asahhu’s Seer, page-444)

Hospitality is associated with generosity. Those who have the quality of generosity, who have a spending mentality for people, are especially hospitable. There is a special merit in spending for the sake of Allah. It is blessed with wealth, and its reward is manifold in the Hereafter. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, ‘The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain, from which seven grains grow, each grain (produces) a hundred grains, and Allah increases it for whomever He wills; Indeed, Allah is Most Beneficent, All-Knowing.’

La (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 261) Abu Hurairah (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, ‘You are a dinar in the way of Allah.

If you spend, one dinar to free a slave and one dinar to give to the poor and another to your family. The best of these (in terms of reward) is that dinar which you spend on family members.’ (Muslim, Hadith: 2201) The Holy Prophet (SAW) used to emphasize so much on spending for others (as much as he could) that they felt that there was no right in surplus wealth. Abu Saeed Khudri (RA) said, once we were on a trip with Rasool (PBUH). At that time, a person got into the vehicle and came to him and started looking to the right and left. Then the Prophet (PBUH) said, whoever has an extra vehicle for climbing, let him help him with it, who has no vehicle. And whoever has surplus food, let him help him who has no food. Then he talks about different types of wealth like this. We even feel that we have no right to excess wealth. (Muslim, Hadith: 4409) We should follow the command of Almighty Allah, love the Holy Prophet (SAW) and observe this Sunnah, especially in this crisis, try to help the helpless people as much as possible. May Allah make our lives blessed in this, Inshallah.