Dandruff is more common in winter. Some people also seek help from a specialist doctor to reduce dandruff. Some people want to do home care. Tanjina Aktari wrote after talking to doctors and beauty experts
Dandruff is more common in winter compared to other times. Usually, three types of dandruff are seen, such as small, large and blood clots. As a result, excess hair falls out. The hair becomes rough. Various types of infections also occur on the scalp. In this regard, Dr. Farah Safa Haque works as a skin and venereal disease specialist at Gabtoli Upazila Health Complex in Bogra district. She said, ‘In medical terms, dandruff is called seborrheic dermatitis. It is a skin disease that lasts a long time. It usually occurs more on the scalp. Dandruff can also occur on the eyelids, eyebrows, and beard. It appears behind the ears, next to the nose, on the chest, back, and other pressed areas of the body. In dry weather or when the humidity in the air is low, the incidence of dandruff increases throughout the winter. As a result, white dead skin cells or dead skin cells form on the affected area. To stay dandruff-free, you should bathe every day. It is important to keep your hair clean, no matter how cold it is. Anti-dandruff shampoo should be applied to the head two to three days a week. 2 percent ketoconazole shampoo or colata shampoo is effective in preventing dandruff. Many people use oil on their heads. Excessive use of oil on the scalp should be avoided. Otherwise, the oil can accumulate on the skin and cause dandruff to increase. Notice dandruff on your head. You may also feel a white feeling and experience itching on the skin of other parts of your body. If so, consult a specialist doctor.’ Here too, Beauty Care owner and Beauty Consultant Sharmin Kochi provided guidance. She explained the method to remove dandruff using home remedies. Her advice. The home remedies are-
■ You can use sour yogurt for dandruff. Massage the sour yogurt well on your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Then wash it well.
■ Using onion juice on your hair reduces dandruff to a great extent. Grind two onions well. Mix one mug of water in it. Apply this juice all over your head. Massage it well. Wash it off after a while. Applying onion juice on your head twice a week in this way will give good results.
■ Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with a little water. Massage your scalp well for at least five minutes. Then wash your hair.
■ Soak fenugreek in water overnight and strain it in the morning and grind it well. Now apply the grated fenugreek to the roots of your hair and scalp well. Leave it for an hour and wash your hair well. Dandruff will reduce.
■ Coconut oil helps reduce the incidence of dandruff. It moisturizes the roots of the hair. It also reduces dandruff and scalp infections. Massaging coconut oil on the roots of your hair twice a week will help you get quick relief from dandruff.