Cat Vaccines

There are many types of vaccines to prevent cat diseases. Vaccine means an antidote. Which helps fight against bacteria, viruses, pathogens, etc.

Do cats need to be vaccinated?

Yes. There are many types of vaccines for cats. However, 3 vaccines are currently given most often in around the world.

  1. Nobivac® Feline 1-HCPCh: Nobivac vaccine protects cats from 4 deadly diseases. It is easily available in Bangladesh and is very beneficial for your pet cat. The diseases that this vaccine prevents –
    Pneumonia and influenza
    Feline fever
    Feline Panleukopenia (FPV)
    Feline Chlamydophila
  2. RABISIN®: Rabies is a deadly and fatal infectious disease of cats. Rabisin vaccine protects cats from this disease. It has different durations. Cat Vaccine
  3. Quadricat®: It protects cats from calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and rabies.