Why is sugar bad?

White sugar has the highest glycemic index. (Why is sugar bad?)
White sugar has the highest glycemic index. (Why is sugar bad?)
White sugar has the highest glycemic index.

Sugar is called white poison

1 gram of sugar provides 4 calories. We get 4 calories from 3.2 grams of rice. I get 4 calories from 1.18 grams of flour. Again, from 1 gram of cooking oil, we get more than twice as much sugar, about 9 calories. But when it comes to eating rice, rice or cooking oil, we have no such fear. But sugar, flour, rice – all but sugar or carbohydrate-type food.

Why is sugar the most harmful sugar?

The glycemic index is a number that ranks how quickly a food releases sugar into the blood. White sugar has the highest glycemic index. Sugar is quickly converted into glucose after consumption and mixes with the blood. The necessary glucose from the blood enters the cells. The rest of the glucose is stored as fat in different parts of the body. As a result, we feel hungry very quickly. eat again Thus, by eating repeatedly, we consume more calories. As a result our weight, blood triglycerides, fatty liver and other complications increase. This is why the health risks of sugar are so high.

Carbohydrates like rice, rice and flour do not release sugar as quickly as sugar. These are converted into glucose through various chemical changes in the presence of various enzymes, which is a fairly slow process. Again, not all rice, rice or flour is converted to glucose in this process. It is gradually converted into glucose and enters the cells of the body to produce energy. In this case, we do not feel hungry quickly. So we don’t need to eat frequently. In that case, we are less likely to gain weight. However, eating more than the body’s needs can lead to physical complications.

So I will leave the sugar at all?

If there is no diabetes, an adult person can eat a maximum of 4 to 5 teaspoons of sugary foods a day. (Why is sugar bad?)
If there is no diabetes, an adult person can eat a maximum of 4 to 5 teaspoons of sugary foods a day.

Straight sugar really shouldn’t be eaten. However, if there is no diabetes, an adult person can eat a maximum of 4 to 5 teaspoons of sugary foods a day. You can eat biscuits, cakes, pies, pies made with sugar without eating sugar or sugar syrup. It will satisfy sugar cravings. It is better to avoid sugar in daily tea or coffee. You can choose fruit, curd etc as dessert. Many people recommend using red sugar or molasses instead of white sugar. Red sugar or jaggery contains more vitamins and minerals than white sugar. But the glycemic index of red sugar is the same as that of white sugar. So it should also be eaten in moderation.

What happens when you eat too much sugar?

1. Obesity

Eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain. Obesity increases the risk of type-1 diabetes in children and type-2 diabetes in adults. The risk of other diseases also increases.

2. Fatty liver

Liver acts as our body bank. Excess sugar is converted into fat and stored in the liver. As a result, the normal functioning of the liver is disrupted. And the risk of liver cirrhosis increases.

3. High blood pressure

Increased body fat also increases the risk of high blood pressure. Excess fat increases the thickness of artery walls, which leads to high blood pressure.

4. Heart block

When heart block is detected, we first stop eating milk, eggs and beef. In this case, first of all, the consumption of sugar should be reduced. Eating too much sugar increases the amount of triglycerides and LDL in the blood, which contribute to heart block. This increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

5. Depression and neurosis

Eating too much sugar can lead to depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Cancer: Sugar increases complications in people with cancer. Apart from this, eating too much sugar increases the risk of cancer. Sugar or sugary foods prevent chemotherapy from working.

So be careful about sugar intake. Remember, sugar is not good for the body, but it does more harm.

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