Islamic Principles and Etiquette of Eating

Food is a great blessing given by Allah. In order to worship Allah in a healthy body, it is necessary to eat balanced food. The Qur’an enjoins the consumption of pure and halal food. It is stated in the Qur’an, ‘O you who believe. Eat of the lawful sustenance that I have given you and give thanks to Allah, if it is Him you worship.’

(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 172) Another principle of drinking is-

Eat as needed; But don’t waste. It is stated in the Qur’an, ‘Eat and drink. But don’t waste it. Allah does not like the wasteful.’

(Surah: Araf, verse: 31)

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) taught the Sunnah Tariqa and manners of Khana. As a result, food becomes worship. Following is the Islamic way of taking food:

It is Sunnah to wash hands before eating

It is Sunnah to wash both hands up to the wrists before eating. It is also important in health sciences. It is a great way to avoid germs. Salman (RA) said, I have read in the Torah that the blessing of food is to perform ablution after it. I discussed this with the Prophet (PBUH) and mentioned what I read in the Torah. Then Rasulullah (s.a.) said, ‘The blessing of eating is to perform ablution before and after it.’ (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1846; Abu Dawud,

Hadith: 3719)

The three Sunnahs of eating

  1. It is Sunnah to say Bismillah at the beginning of eating. Complete sentences can also be said.
  2. It is Sunnah to eat with the right hand. It is a characteristic of Muslims.
  3. It is Sunnah to eat in front of each other when eating together.
    Umar Ibn Abu Salama (R.A.) said, I was under the supervision of Rasulullah (S.A.W.) as a small boy. My hands were running around on the dishes. Rasulullah (PBUH) said to me, O son! Say Bismillah
    Eat with your right hand and eat near you. Since then I have always eaten this way. Eating from everyone. Anas (R.A.) said, The Prophet (S.A.W.) said, “You will say Bismillah and everyone will eat from him.” (Bukhari, Hadith: 4984)

If you forget to read Bismillah at the beginning of the prayer or not, you have to read Bismillah Awalahu Wakhirahu only when you remember. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 3725)
If you start eating without praying, Satan joins the food. The blessing of food is lost. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 3723)

The best meeting for eating The best meeting for eating is to sit in such a way as to respect the food. Humility is revealed. Never show arrogance and disdain for food. So there are three ways to sit while eating – one. Raise both knees and press on the ankles. (Muslim, Hadith: 5159) Two with one knee raised and the other knee spread.
Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) said that no deep and important conversation should take place during meals. There is no harm in speaking in general. Because food also has the right. So one or two pleasant and halal entertaining words can be said without remaining completely silent. In this case it is not desirable to talk on dates. Many people think that it is not right to say salam while eating. This is also baseless. There is no prohibition to exchange salam while eating. Of course, if someone has food in his mouth, it is better not to greet him. If a guest comes and greets while eating, he can also be included in the meal. Because Rasulullah (SAW) said, ‘The food of two is enough for three and the food of three is enough for four.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 5392)

It is Sunnah to lick your fingers

It is Sunnah to lick your fingers after eating. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to lick first the middle finger, then the index finger and finally the thumb. Narrated Anas (R.A.): Rasulullah (S.A.W.) used to lick his fingers three times when he ate food, and he said, “If any of you has a bite, he should remove the dirt from it and eat the food, for the sake of Satan.” does not leave And He commanded us to wipe our dishes and eat, and said, Because you do not know which part of your food is blessed. (Muslim, Hadith: 5134)

Prayer at the end of the meal

It is Sunnah to pray after eating. Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) used to recite such dua after eating – Alhamdu Lillahillaji Atamanah Wasakana Waza Alana Muslimin.

Meaning: All praise is due to Allah, who fed us, gave us drink, and we are not among His loyal servants. 4 Narrated by Abu Dawud, Hadith: 3806)
Author: Khatib and Madrasa teacher
Raipur, Lakshmipur