
How to understand dog flea attack?

You may have been noticing for a long time that your beloved dog’s fur is not as thick as it used to be. Getting thinner than before. On top of that, if you have a very cute cat, then the chances of the flea attacking the dog are much higher than the cat.
Sometimes due to our carelessness we pay less attention to them but we do it too late. So, we should always keep our eyes and ears open i.e. be more careful.
If we know some things, we can understand them very easily and quickly.
If you see that he is acting a lot on the body, biting the hair, then you must understand that the flea is now in its initial stage. The salivary glands of these tiny parasites contain a substance that is very irritating to the dog’s skin.
If a dog has a flea, it can easily be found in their fur, especially around the neck, throat or ears.
If your dog has fleas, you will see black spots on their fur, these are nothing more than flea dirt. You can also find this kind of dirt on your bed, carpets or chairs where the dog usually sits. Also, if you notice where the dog rubs its body, you will see this kind of black dirt.
These will tell you that fleas have attacked the dog in the house.